Supporting E4L's Vision

Why Support E4L?
E4L, as a whole, can easily say that our stats don't lie. With the amount of kids we have graduating from college or the amount of kids that are business owners, to me, presents opportunity for the supporter (Community Partner) to actually be a part of their investment. We ask our supporters to actually GET INVOLVED with the students and witness their growth.
"We are going to Trust God and Trust the Process"
- Empowered 4 Life
Tours & Events

Civil Rights Museum
Memphis, TN
The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN, honors and preserves the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In 1954, the national NAACP won the hard fought court battle Brown v. Board of Education. Their aim is to help bridge the gap between everyday people and leaders.

Civil Rights Institute
Birmingham, AL
The Birmingham campaign was a model of nonviolent direct action protest and, through the media, drew the world’s attention to racial segregation in the South. A visit to the civil rights museum offers a sobering and reflective experience for anyone interested in this important era.

Legacy Museum
Montgomery, AL
The Legacy Museum offers the opportunity to reflect on the history of racial injustice in our nation and its effects on our society today. It’s where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. And it’s where Martin Luther King Jr. began to rise as the movement’s leader.